
Subordinate Clubs
Club Name Member Count Link
{{sub.ClubName}} {{sub.ClubCount}} {{sub.ClubLink}}

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

{{group.DocumentCategoryName}} {{group.DocumentItems.length}}
{{row['DocumentTitle']}} {{row['DocumentPurpose']}}

Court Locations

# Location Address Number of Courts
{{row.LocationId}} {{row.Location}} {{row.Address}} {{row.CourtCount}}
- click on flags for detail
Court Reservations for
{{col.sv | date:timeFormat }}
Club Name Rating Source Gender Rating
{{row.ClubName}}    {{row.NAME}} {{row.BM}} {{row.GENDER}} {{row.RATING}}

    Attachments - Only one allowed

    No videos defined.

    Expand for Videos Video Collection

    Your first name must be at least 2 letters.

    Your last name is required.

    Your valid date of birth is required.

    Your street address is required.

    Your city is required.

    Your state must be selected.

    Your zip must be at least 5 characters.

    Your email address is required.

    Your home phone must be 10 digits, no dashes.

    Your cell phone must be 10 digits, no dashes.

    Emergency contact name must be at least six characters.

    Your contact phone must to 10 digits.

    LostItems ({{lostItems.length}})
    Posted By Posted Ad
    {{item.PosterName}} {{item.Posted | date:format}} {{item.Post}}
    FoundItems ({{foundItems.length}})
    Posted By Posted Ad
    {{pst.PosterName}} {{pst.Posted | date:format}} {{pst.Post}}
    For SaleItems ({{forSaleItems.length}})
    Posted By Posted Ad
    {{pst.PosterName}} {{pst.Posted | date:format}} {{pst.Post}}
    WantedItems ({{wantedItems.length}})
    Posted By Posted Ad
    {{pst.PosterName}} {{pst.Posted | date:format}} {{pst.Post}}
    Date Event Name Location
    {{row.EventDate | date:'EEEE, MMMM d, y h:mm a'}} {{row.EventName}} {{row.EventLocation}}
    Date Center Court Name
    {{row.ReservationDate | date:'EEEE, MMMM d, y h:mm a'}} {{row.ReservationCenter}} {{row.ReservationCourtName}}

    Membership Application

    This is only for creating a new membership.
    If you are already a member, click the login button at the top right and enter your credentials.
    If your membership has expired, you will be redirected to a payment screen.

    Your first name must be at least 2 letters.

    Your last name is required.

    Valid date required.

    Your street address is required.

    Your city is required.

    Your state must be 2 letters.

    Your zip must be at least 5 characters.

    Your email address is required.

    Your home phone must be 10 digits, no spaces.

    Your home phone must be 10 digits, no spaces.

    Emergency contact name must be at least six characters.

    Your contact phone must to 10 digits.

    Your GVR number must be entered.

    Invalid GVR number entered.

    Club Name Member Type Rating Source Gender Rating Location Active Admin Expired
    {{row.ClubName}} {{row.NAME}} {{row.MemType}} {{row.BM}} {{row.GENDER}} {{row.RATING}} {{row.LOC}} {{row.ACTIVE}} {{row.ADMIN}} {{row.Expired}}
      Name Payment Date Payment Amount
      {{pmt.PersonName}} {{pmt.PaymentDate | date:format}} {{pmt.PaymentAmount}}
      Name Event Date Posted By Hit Count
      {{row.Name}} {{row.EventDate | date:format}} {{row.PostedBy}} {{row.HitCount}}
      Title Date Loaded Posted By Hit Count
      {{row.VTitle}} {{row.VDate | date:format}} {{row.PostedBy}} {{row.HitCount}}
      Name Start Date End Date
      {{row.Name}} {{row.Start | date:'MMM d'}} {{row.End | date:'MMM d'}}
      Recurring Court Reservations for
      Admin Court Reservations for

      Lead days required.

      Time of first block required.

      Time of last block required.

      Time of first reservation required.

      Block size in minutes.

      Max number of blocks that are reservable at a time

      Prime time start time required.

      Prime time start time required.

      Max reservations in lead days.

      Max reservations in day.

      Order Court Name
      {{court.Order}} {{court.Label}}
      Center Name Short Name Member Group Notification Group Email Text
      {{center.CenterName}} {{center.ShortName}} {{center.GroupName}} {{center.NotificationGroupName}} {{center.EmailNote}}
      Document Group
      {{docGroup.DocumentGroupName}} {{docGroup.DocumentCount}}

      Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

      Group Name
      {{group.GroupName}} {{group.MemberCount}}
      Gallery Collection
      Video Collection
      Charity/Event Receipt Name Active
      {{ch.Name}} {{ch.ReceiptName}}
      Clinic/Donation Amount Name on Card Email Date Stripe Id
      {{don.Charity}} {{don.Amount | currency}} {{don.NameOnCard}} {{don.Email}} {{don.TS | date:format}} {{don.StripeId}}

      Standings for {{selectedLadder.LadderName}}

      Standing are based on the latest 20 ladder results

      No players registered

      Name Rating Pct {{ldrWk5}} {{ldrWk4}} {{ldrWk3}} {{ldrWk2}} {{ldrWk1}}
      {{row.scoreCount}} {{row.name}} {{row.rating}} {{row.percentage | number:2}} {{row.week5}} {{row.week4}} {{row.week3}} {{row.week2}} {{row.week1}}

      Club name is required.

      Address is too short.

      City is too short.

      State is too short.

      Zip must be five characters.

      Contact name is required.

      10 digit phone number required.

      Enter a valid email address.

      Enter a valid court reminder lead.

      Enter a valid event reminder lead.

      Enter a valid event reminder lead.

      Enter the coma delimited string of legend information.

      Enter a valid membership fee.

      Location Address Court Count Latitude Longitude Active
      {{ci.Location}} {{ci.Address}} {{ci.CourtCount}} {{ci.Latitude}} {{ci.Longitude}}

      User Name Log In Log Out
      {{li.User}} {{li.Login | date:'MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss a' }} {{li.Logout | date:'MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss a' }}

      User Name Event Date Event Type Table Name Column Name Original New Value
      {{au.User}} {{au.EvtTime | date:'MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss a' }} {{au.EvtType}} {{au.TName}} {{au.ColName}} {{au.OV}} {{au.NV}}

      Name Display Name Cost Internal Exp Month Exp Day Exp Year Membership Length Membership Term Voting Rights Active Start Month Start Day End Month Day End Day Edit Record
      {{mt.Name}} {{mt.DisplayName }} {{mt.Cost}} {{mt.ExpMonth}} {{mt.ExpDay}} {{mt.ExpYear}} {{mt.MemLen}} {{mt.MemTrm}} {{mt.StartMonth}} {{mt.StartDay}} {{mt.EndMonth}} {{mt.EndDay}}

      Attachments - Only one allowed


      Image URL Dimensions
      {{image.URL}} {{image.Dimensions}}
      Sender Sent Subject Recipient Count
      {{em.Sender}} {{em.Sent | date:'EEEE, MMMM d, y, h:mm a' }} {{em.Subject}} {{em.Count}}
      Send Date Subject Body
      {{em.sendDate | date:'EEEE, MMMM d, y, h:mm a' }} {{em.subject}} {{em.markup}}
      Survey Name Start Date Stop Date
      {{sv.SurveyName}} {{sv.SurveyStartDate | date:format}} {{sv.SurveyStopDate | date:format}}
      Survey Question Max Answers
      {{q.SurveyQuestion}} {{q.MaxAnswers}}
      Survey Name Start Date Stop Date
      {{sv.SurveyName}} {{sv.SurveyStartDate | date:format}} {{sv.SurveyStopDate | date:format}}